Power BI Difference Between Calculated Column And Measure Calculated Column / Measure : Calculated Column : A calculated column is an extension of a table using a DAX formula that is evaluated for each row. If you are accustomed to using Excel, you will remember that in Excel you often need to copy a formula for each cell of a new column, unless you format your range as a table. This results in each cell potentially having a different formula because of different cell references. When you write a calculated column formula, it is automatically applied to the whole table and evaluated individually for each row. Note: The Total summation value does not give correct values in calculated columns Example : Cal is Table name caluculated_Column = cal[cost]/cal[sales] caluculatedMeasure = SUM(cal[cost])/SUM(cal[sales]) Here Total sales/ Total Cost value gives 0.90 in measure 21/19 = 0.90 Where as in calculated column gives 5.00 wrong results sumx_Measure = SUM...